The Swiss Cheese plant (also known as Monstera adansonii) with its distinctive holes in its large, heart-shaped leaves can be a wonderful addition to your living room. This beautiful tropical plant is native to South- and Central America and as you could probably guess, it loves humid (above 50%) and warm conditions (above 40°F).
There are several popular variations of the Swiss Cheese plant:
- Monstera deliciosa (larger leaves)
- Monstera borsigiana (smaller size, faster growth rate)
- Mostera obliqua (thinner leaves with more holes)
Regular watering (weekly) is probably the most important aspect of taking care of a Swiss Cheese plant. Keeping them moist but not soaking wet is key, so choosing the appropriate potting mix is a must. Whenever you feel like the soil in the pot is drying, it is time for watering. Just do not get carried away with it!
To keep them happy, you can also stick a stake in the pot next to it, because they like to climb using their aerial roots.
As mentioned before, these plants are tropical ones, so you also need to ensure humid and warm conditions, plus partial sunlight (never direct light). Misting the leaves every few days should do the trick, but also check on the temperature since they prefer 40°F+.
The Swiss Cheese plant can grow up to 13 ft. tall, so it is really up to you to prune it the way it stays at your preferred size.
Common pests
- thrips
- spider mites
- scale
The most common way of propagating a Swiss Cheese plant is by stem cuttings. Since regular pruning is required, this way you can make use of the removed stems.
Just cut off a stem (4 – 5 in., after the leaf node), plant it in potting mix, and leave it for a few months under bright but indirect light, with regular watering.
Frequently Asked Questions
The most common way of propagating a Swiss Cheese plant is by stem cuttings. Cut off a stem, put it in potting mix, and water it for a few months while keeping it warm.
How often to water swiss cheese plant?
Weekly watering is a good choice, but always check the soil if it is drying. Do not overwater them, but also never let them dry out.
Is swiss cheese plant toxic to cats?
The Swiss Cheese plant is toxic to smaller pets such as cats.
How big does swiss cheese plant get?
It depends on pruning, but Swiss Cheese plants can get as tall as 13 ft.
Why is my swiss cheese plant turning brown?
If you swiss cheese plant is turning brown, it probably has root rot because of overwatering. Let it dry out a little bit and get back to regular, weekly watering.