Pear trees – they’re like nature’s dessert dispensers, offering sweet, juicy treats in your own backyard. But if you want those fruits to be as good as they can be, you’ve got to dive into the world of pruning. In this guide, we’re going to break it down for you, from the “when” and “why” to the tools you’ll need and the step-by-step process. So, grab your pruning shears, put on your gardening gloves, and let’s embark on the journey of Pruning Pear Trees.
Why and When to Prune Your Pear Trees?
So, you’ve got a pear tree – cool! Now, why would you want to prune it? Well, let’s chat about it:
- Why should you Prune: Here’s the deal: pruning is about shaping your tree, keeping it healthy, and making it more fruitful. Pear trees benefit big time on all these fronts from annual pruning.
- When to Prune: Timing is everything, even in the pear-tree-pruning universe. The best time to prune regular pear trees is during the dormant season, which is late winter or early spring, while for cordons opt for summer pruning with a light winter tidy-up.
Tools you’ll need for Pruning Pear Trees
Before you get all Edward Scissorhands on your pear tree, you’ll need the right tools. Here’s your hit list:
- Pruning Shears: These are your bread and butter. They make those clean, precise cuts.
- Loppers: For those thicker branches that the shears can’t handle.
- Pruning Saw: When you’ve got some real lumberjack action going on.
- Gloves: Protect those hands! You can easily get scratched up from cut branches.
- Safety Goggles: To keep your eyes safe from swinging branches.
- Wound Sealant: Even though Pear Trees are pretty sturdy, freshly cut wounds on any tree are prone to diseases. Using wound sealant after pruning can help to keep it safe from infection.
Now, let’s get down to business with a step-by-step guide on how to properly prune your pear tree.

Pruning Pear Trees Step-by-Step
Pruning a Standard Pear Tree:
When it comes to pruning a standard pear tree, it’s all about maintaining the right shape and treading lightly. You want to allow sunlight to penetrate the tree’s core while gradually replacing older wood with new growth.

- Remove Dead and Weak Wood: Begin by removing any weak, dead, dying, or disease-afflicted wood. Think of it as the tree’s way of shedding dead weight.
- Trimming Main Branches: You want to trim them back by about a third of their length. When cutting, make sure to snip them back to a robust outward-facing bud. This isn’t just a regular snip; it’s a slanted cut, pointing downward and away from the bud.
- Care for the Laterals: When laterals (side shoots) start rubbing against other branches, it’s a recipe for disaster – diseases may come to the party. Those are the ones you want to prune out.
- Clear the Path to the Center: Any branch growth that’s heading straight for the tree’s heart? Not ideal. It’s like sending your pear tree to a dimly lit room with poor air circulation. Prune those center-bound branches to encourage light and airflow throughout the tree.
- Light, Mid-Summer Trim for Laterals: When July rolls around, it’s time for a little mid-summer tending. Trim back those laterals, leaving about three leaves above a cluster of leaves at the base. This helps the tree maintain a tidy and open appearance.
Pruning Trained Pear Trees:
Pruning trained pear trees, such as cordons, espaliers, and fan-shaped varieties, takes a slightly different approach.

- Mid-Summer Pruning: Unlike their standard counterparts, these pear trees prefer a mid-summer pruning session, usually in mid-July. This timing helps strike a balance between aesthetics and fruit production.
- Tame Those Shoots: Keep an eye out for any fresh shoots that have grown beyond 20 centimeters. When you spot them, it’s time for a trim – snip them back to just three leaves above the basal leaves. This encourages controlled growth and maintains the tree’s structured appearance.
- Existing Sideshoots Matter: For shoots originating from existing sideshoots, a slightly different rule applies. These should be pruned to just one leaf above the basal leaves. This precision keeps your tree’s growth in check.
- Shape Matters: When you notice any unruly growth that’s disrupting the tree’s harmonious shape, it’s time for action. Trim these out-of-place branches close to their parent branch, leaving behind a small stub. This way, you’re preserving the tree’s overall aesthetic.
- Second Round in September: Sometimes, the growth just doesn’t quit. If you find more wayward shoots sprouting up after your summer pruning, take care of them in September. Keep your pear tree looking prim and proper.
Additional Pruning Tips
Here are some bonus tips to take your pear tree pruning game to the next level:
Pruning to a Bud:
When you’re trimming back branches, cut about a quarter of an inch above a healthy outward-facing bud. This speeds up the healing process, plus encourages the tree to grow in the right direction, away from the center.
Pruning Angle (10 o’clock):
When cutting branches, aim for a 10 o’clock angle. This slant helps water runoff and prevents rot.
You’re not off the hook once you put those shears down. Aftercare is essential to make sure your pear tree stays healthy and happy.
- Wound Care: If you’ve made some significant cuts, consider using pruning wound sealant to protect the wounds from infection. Pear trees are pretty resistant, but it never hurts to be safe.
- Clean Up: Get rid of all the trimmings and fallen leaves. They can harbor pests and diseases. Plus, it just looks neater.
- Fertilize: After the prune, give your tree a little love with some balanced fertilizer (a balanced mix of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus) to boost its growth.
- Water: Make sure your pear tree stays well-hydrated, especially after a heavy pruning.

With these easy pear tree pruning tips in your back pocket, you’re well on your way to becoming the pruning pro of your neighborhood. Happy pruning!
Frequently Asked Questions
For free-standing pear trees, prune from mid-winter to early March, while for cordons opt for summer pruning with a light winter tidy-up.
How often should I prune my pear tree?
Pear trees should typically be pruned annually during the dormant season, which is in mid-winter to early spring. For cordons, opt for summer pruning.
Why is my pear tree dying?
Your pear tree might not make it if you prune it too much or at the wrong time, or if it gets sick with pear scab or fire blight. To avoid these problems, make sure to trim your tree during its resting period and use a wound sealant to protect the cut branches from getting sick.