Is your peace lily looking a bit cramped in its current home? Well, it might be time to give it a bit more space to spread its roots and thrive. Repotting a peace lily is a bit like giving it a spa day—it refreshes and rejuvenates the plant, setting it up for healthier growth. So, grab your gardening gloves, put on your favorite playlist, and let’s learn how to repot a Peace Lily Plant the right way!
Signs Your Peace Lily Needs Repotting
Before we jump into the repotting process, let’s figure out if your peace lily is dropping hints that it’s time for a new pot.
- If you notice roots poking out of the drainage holes, slower growth, or the plant toppling over due to being top-heavy, these are clear signs that your green friend is feeling a bit cramped.
- Also, if the soil dries out quickly after watering, it’s time to repot due to soil depletion.
Best Time to Repot
Timing is everything, even in the plant world. Spring (after blooming) is the prime season to give your peace lily a new home. This is when it finished actively growing, making it more adaptable to the change and allowing it to settle into its new pot more quickly.
However, if you see any of the signes listed above, you should go ahead with the repotting regardless of the season.
What is Transplant Shock and how to reduce its Risk

You’ve got to be gentle, as change can be a bit of a shock for these sensitive plants. Too much water can saturate the soil, triggering root rot, while too little can lead to wilting and leaf drop.
To sidestep these watering pitfalls, adopt a soil-check routine. Gently insert your finger into the soil up to your first knuckle. If it feels dry, it’s watering time. If it’s damp, give it a few more days. This will hydrate the roots and make them more pliable during the transplant process.
Also, make sure that the new pot has enough drainage holes.
The tools you are going to need
Now, let’s gather the tools for this gardening adventure. Here’s your checklist:
- Pot: These plants prefer snug spaces over overly large pots. Choose a pot that’s about 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current one. Too large pots can lead to rootbound plants. Also, make sure it has enough drainage holes.
- Potting Mix: Opt for a well-draining mix, like a blend of peat, perlite, and pine bark. This one is pretty good. Your peace lily deserves the good stuff! the pH level should be between 5.5 and 6.5.
- Knife or Shears: These will help you gently loosen the plant from its current pot and trim any dead or overly long roots.

Repotting Peace Lillies Step by Step
- Prep the New Pot: Fill the new pot about a third of the way with your chosen potting mix.
- Gentle Extraction: Carefully turn the peace lily upside down and tap the pot’s bottom to coax the plant out. If it’s stubborn, give the pot a gentle squeeze.
- Root Inspection: Take a good look at those roots. If they’re circling around the root ball, give them a little trim to encourage healthier growth using a knife or shears. This also helps to prevent transplant shock. If you find any signs of root rot (mushy, brown roots), cut them off and rinse the roots with tap water before going to the next step.
- Place in the New Pot: Position the peace lily in the center of the new pot. Add potting mix around it, ensuring that the top of the root ball sits about an inch below the rim of the pot.
- Fill and Pat: Fill the remaining space around the plant with potting mix, gently patting it down as you go to eliminate air pockets.
- Placement: Right after repotting, place the plant in a place where it is protected from direct sunlight. What it needs now – for about a week -, is a couple of hours of indirect sunlight per day.
- Watering: Give your newly repotted peace lily a good drink. This helps settle the soil and hydrate the roots.
Caring for a Repotted Peace Lily
Your repotted peace lily needs a little extra attention for the first few weeks. Here are our tips to keep it in top shape:
- Keep it in a slightly shaded spot to reduce stress from direct sunlight.
- Avoid fertilizing for the first month, as your plant needs time to adjust.
- Watering is key: Stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water. If it’s still moist, hold off for a bit. Over-watering can lead to root rot, and we definitely don’t want that.
As your peace lily settles into its new home, you’ll see those glossy green leaves and elegant white blooms thanking you with a new lease on life. Keep an eye on its growth, and when it starts showing signs of being a bit too cozy, you’ll know it’s time to start the repotting process all over again.
So there you have it, folks! Repotting your peace lily is like giving it a breath of fresh air, and it’s a rewarding experience for both you and your plant. Happy gardening!
Frequently Asked Questions
If your peace lily seems a bit down after repotting, here’s a simple plan to nurse it back to vitality:
- Pause fertilizing for a span of two to four weeks.
- Allow the top 1/2 inch of soil to dry before watering.
- Keep the plant in a spot with indirect sunlight for approximately one to ten days.
- Be mindful not to put the plant close to heating or cooling vents.
How to repot a peace lily with root rot?
If your Peace Lily has root rot, pop it out of its pot, cut away the rotten roots, clean the healthy roots with water and put the plant into a new pot.
Can you repot peace lily while flowering?
As a general rule of thumb, you don’t want to repot plants when they are flowering. Flowering takes a lot of energy from the plant, thus it is better to repot Peace Lilies around February and March. However, if you must, Peace Lilies can survive repotting while flowering.
Do peace lilies need big pots?
Peace lilies thrive in containers, but they prefer snug spaces over overly large pots. Choose a container with proper drainage that’s only up to 1/3 bigger than your peace lily’s root ball.